Chicago DNA: Chatham Business Owner Organizing Prom Dress Drive through March

Chatham Business Owner Organizing Prom Dress Drive through March

 Lure Chaussures owner Contessa Houston is organizing a prom dress drive through March 31.
Lure Chaussures owner Contessa Houston is organizing a prom dress drive through March 31.View Full Caption
DNAinfo/Kyla Gardner

CHATHAM — Chatham shoe boutique owner Contessa Houston is collecting prom dresses for the third annual "Gift of Glamor" prom dress drive.

Houston is seeking gently used dresses. The dress owners can donate their old prom dresses to help girls who can't afford their own feel "glamorous," Houston said.

Houston said her inspiration came three years ago when she met a young teen who cried while sharing her story about not being able to afford a dress.

"I wanted to give back because I was sure there were more who had the same story," she said.

People can drop off used prom dresses, bridesmaid and cotillion dresses at Lure Chaussures, 319 E. 79th St., from Wednesday to March 31 during the shop's business hours: Tuesday-Thursday 12 p.m.-6 p.m. and Friday-Saturday 11:30 a.m.-7 p.m.

Donors can call the shop at 847-807-5419 with any questions. Houston has set up a PayPal account for those who don't have dresses to give, but still want to help. They website is

Last year the shop didn't have enough plus-size dresses, so Houston's asking for women who have them to donate if they can. The shop also is accepting shoes of all sizes and accessories.

In April, Houston said she will seek volunteer stylists to help dress the girls.


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